Friday, October 24, 2008

Back Pain-The employer cost

On a daily basis, I have the pleasure of treating workers from all backgrounds with complaint of low back pain from an injury sustained while at work. It is apparent that a substantial amount of the cohort of injured workers are confused and uninformed of a process and their entitlement under the law either because of a lack of work injury management process or uneducated of a process already in place. Most back pain injuries are minor musculo-skeletal disorders that are not effectively managed or allowed to fester for over prolonged periods due to unnecessary red taping and poor communication amongst key players.

Empirically, a significant number of work injury associated low back pain complaints involves soft tissue sprain and or strains from lifting, reaching out of one's base of support while lifting, combined twists with a bend, falls and or whiplash acquired disorders. Mostly, the complaints are of mild to moderate localized pain described as ache, throbs, spasm, and usually without a neurological component. Also, in severe cases, neurological observations are noted with radicular symptoms to the extremities, unilaterally or bilaterally with complaint of numbness, burning, spasms that is influenced by movement; signifying a disc involvement, nerve entrapment, vertebral displacement, and or instability. It is not unusual that prior existing condition may have been present and or exacerbated. Appropriate and comprehensive diagnostics may be necessary and indicated to effectively complete the differential diagnosis process and determine the appropriate level and course of care.

It is suffice to note that early intervention in work injury cases is primary and an effective process already in place will assure the right course of treatment. It is important to note that a process that is focus on early return to work goals will assure effective goal oriented medical and rehab care, open communications amongst key players to discourage abuse and over utilization, may not be overemphasized.

Employers that implement a validated return to work programs will have the advantage over those lacking such a program, the assurance of increase job morale, and a decrease in indemnity costs, direct and indirect costs to the employer. At a time when the bottom line is in the red (company profits) for most companies, it is crucial that self insured organizations assess all expenses to keep their boat afloat. Why not?

Dr. Diallo, Pt, DPT

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