Friday, October 31, 2008

The Reality

Basically, every business organization is formed to answer the call to a market need, a value, and desire, be it for profit or non for profit. As such, making profit is the key to organization survival, development and existence. Therefore, every aspect of a business, HR, Finance, Accounting, Marketing and Sales, Management, labor, collections and safety collaborate to effectively produce and realize a corporate vision, goals and objectives, periodically(quarterly and annual benchmarks). When corporations become callus and risk safety without an implemented effective, and adequate process for RTW, the effect is a negative consequence on net financial bottom-line, an idea contrary to the strategic management plan for growth and profitability. Corporations can avoid such expense and dent to bottom-line financials by implementing effective risk management process to prevent and immediately follow up with injured workers by promoting a direction toward excellence in necessary medical and rehab care, open communications, benefits, testing and through effective and efficient process implementations to prevent and monitor work injuries and unhealthy employee risk habits with rehab that address functional deficits within a comprehensive return to work focus plan of care. These are possible and necessary to industrial survival and profitability during these crucial economical and business slow-down. It is high time that corporations and industries reevaluate their business culture and risks as a means to manage spending and improve productivity as sales a not evident to continue to soar as in the 1990s and early 2000.


Key Points

Policies and procedures for management of injuries

Safety personnel and preventative training

Development of functional tests, Job Descriptions and functional tests

Early effective and efficient medical-rehab interventions as appropriate

Early functional testing and job placement, lift or full duty

Onsite training, early intervention, stretching and Ergonomics

When the above steps and process are employed, small and large corporations can successfully, realize opportunities to save and a cost effective return on their investment from both direct and indirect costs from loss time work, wages, and medical -rehab expenses.

Dr. Diallo

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Where Do We Start

The steps below is an introduction of EZ Rehab Solutions complex and perplexing work injury paradoxes. It is grounded on fair, objective functional testing with excellent job specificity and relatedness with a legal validation process to bring cost savings investment opportunities to employers worker's compensation cost by using effective leadership tools combined with preventative measures. The objective is to have employers focus resources at the heart of the problem where a difference can be realized by prevention and controlling wastes from medical-legal abuse, poor and substandard medical-rehab care from incompetent providers; the lack of an effective RTW program, and bad ineffective case management. Employers can realize significant control and cost savings from worker's comp direct and indirect costs (usually 3-4x of direct cost), using a very simple process.

Develop and implement effective return to work process

proactive and Benevolent

Fair and Objective

quantifiable and Job Related

tested and validated

Implement ongoing preventative education programs

Body Mechanics training and Ergonomic consultation

Post offer screens

Contract On site services for ongoing safety monitoring and Early intervention

On site Rehab intervention for sprain, strains and repetitive injuries

Functional testing and job modification, job matching programs

On site rehab and work conditioning program

On site stretch program

Further info can be found at

For info on exercise, on site training and work injury refer to

Dr. Diallo, PT,DPT

Monday, October 27, 2008

A visit to a PT clinic: A lift injury

I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Y 2 months ago for his first PT visit following a back injury sustained during an attempt to lift a 30 pound box from floor to center to be placed on his desk. Mr. Y is a 56 year old male police officer with 30 year of service track with the metropolitan police department. He reported pain to his lower left quarter of his back shooting down his leg which he rated as a 8 on a 0-10 pain scale with complaint of burning and numbness along the posterior L thigh. He is concerned that the pain has worsen since the onset, one week before his evaluation and he continued to work on light duty, sitting at a desk which is not his preference but was grateful for the opportunity to be around his job.

A thorough and comprehensive evaluation was completed with a targeted plan of care to address Mr. Y's pain, functional deficits and employment demands and abilities. Mr. Y's pain was typical of discogenic pain with a sciatic radicular component. Following the evaluation, Mr Y was given complete information of his injury, and the expected management and prognosis with instruction on appropriate exercises to reverse his injury. Mr. Y was seen at 3x/week x 4weeks with specific instructions on progressive exercises, McKenzie derangement training focus, to restore spinal lordosis and centralize symptoms; then graded stabilization exercises to develop the core spinal and abdominal muscles while introducing function and abilities necessary to return to full time police work ensued in a systematic progression.

Mr. Y met his goals and happily returned to his normal work within five weeks without waste, abuse, loss time and indemnity cost to the police department and the tax payers of his city.

In my opinion, the success of Mr. Y's case is that the system worked because the key players did the necessary steps to supervise and direct the process with accountability and communications at all levels. Employers have the choice to play fairly and be accountable by developing and implementing a process that works. When a process is in place, employers will realize great savings and positive response from injured workers with significant return to work percentage. Employers must also make it a priority to invest in programs to prevent work injuries and realize ultimate savings from work-comp direct and indirect costs.

or comment as appropriate


Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Work Injury Problem

Everyday, injuries with minor and major catastrophe's are reported costing the system and employers at large, in the excess of ------ billions, from profits drained from the net income of small and large U.S businesses, government and municipalities. While most of the cost are usually computed to include the cost of direct cost of medical, rehab lost wages, and indemnities; a significant aspect of work injury expenses are normally indirect costs to the employer from lost time, light duty, rehire and training of a temporary worker, low work morale and decrease productivity. While most work injury cases are valid and required medical attention; a significant number of cases are mismanaged for lack of a comprehensive process. Most employers in good faith invest in programs to manage their work injury cases. However, a substantial amount of programs are reactionary and lack comprehensiveness, leadership, effective policies and procedures to have the impact other than keeping up with paper trail.

The problem lies in the disconnect with key players that are necessary to drive the system as part of the organization culture; a way the organization does business. Until it is openly accepted from top to bottom and nurtured with priority, giving it life to live on, a program is considered to be reactionary and ineffective.

Organizations should be rest assured that a simple cost effective investment on such a process is tantamount to an ounce of prevention; an invaluable measure for companies with high turn over rates and aging population with moderate physical demand jobs. Why not?
Dr. Diallo, PT,DPT

Friday, October 24, 2008

Back Pain-The employer cost

On a daily basis, I have the pleasure of treating workers from all backgrounds with complaint of low back pain from an injury sustained while at work. It is apparent that a substantial amount of the cohort of injured workers are confused and uninformed of a process and their entitlement under the law either because of a lack of work injury management process or uneducated of a process already in place. Most back pain injuries are minor musculo-skeletal disorders that are not effectively managed or allowed to fester for over prolonged periods due to unnecessary red taping and poor communication amongst key players.

Empirically, a significant number of work injury associated low back pain complaints involves soft tissue sprain and or strains from lifting, reaching out of one's base of support while lifting, combined twists with a bend, falls and or whiplash acquired disorders. Mostly, the complaints are of mild to moderate localized pain described as ache, throbs, spasm, and usually without a neurological component. Also, in severe cases, neurological observations are noted with radicular symptoms to the extremities, unilaterally or bilaterally with complaint of numbness, burning, spasms that is influenced by movement; signifying a disc involvement, nerve entrapment, vertebral displacement, and or instability. It is not unusual that prior existing condition may have been present and or exacerbated. Appropriate and comprehensive diagnostics may be necessary and indicated to effectively complete the differential diagnosis process and determine the appropriate level and course of care.

It is suffice to note that early intervention in work injury cases is primary and an effective process already in place will assure the right course of treatment. It is important to note that a process that is focus on early return to work goals will assure effective goal oriented medical and rehab care, open communications amongst key players to discourage abuse and over utilization, may not be overemphasized.

Employers that implement a validated return to work programs will have the advantage over those lacking such a program, the assurance of increase job morale, and a decrease in indemnity costs, direct and indirect costs to the employer. At a time when the bottom line is in the red (company profits) for most companies, it is crucial that self insured organizations assess all expenses to keep their boat afloat. Why not?

Dr. Diallo, Pt, DPT

Work Injury and Leadership Forum

Welcome to the leadership forum. Your comments today just might be the answers to future solutions to our work injury crisis management...................

How can Employers Reduce work injury incidences?

Why the increase in work injury incidence?